Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Frog :D

I visited the pet shop today...on a mission to find frogs :)
I'm dissecting them during Biology class, 22March ^^
I have never reared a frog in my whole life...
Must be fun? XD
But of course, I will still scream if they jump at me...as they reminds me of cockroach ^^
I'm just eager to keep them...
Not eager to dissect them...it's going to be cruel...-.-
I've figured out their names !! LOL
Lets see...Green Junior !


  1. Hey Leng May,
    go read Form 4 text book on "Kasih Sayang".
    sorry for being mengada here..

  2. haha! dissecting for experimental purposes ;) so its sort of legal. i think... XD

  3. it's written there to only dissect when the animal's dead.............. and it's also written that it's very important to really experiment the dead frog so that its death will not be a waste....so don't just play wit the frog....mus really examine its body parts.....mus determine where's the lungs, the intestine......see how they look like.............okay? promise? xD

  4. dun worry. i will be a very good dissector...green junior will go in peace ^^
